내가 있는 곳이 현실인지 아니면 호수에 비친 세계가 현실인지... The reflection on the Belcara lake.

세상에서 가장 아름다운 밤하늘을 사진에 담다! <국제야경사진대회> 최종 수상작

Reference: naver.com

Nightscape 부문 1위 :Papalanthus Wildflower And Milky Way, Brazil – Mario Cabra ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

Nightscape 부문: Milky Way Road, Iran – Massoud Ghadirifar ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

In Town 부문: Pink Moon Rising, Uk – Jonathan Bond ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

Nightscape 부문: The Search For The Beauty Of Nature, Australia – Ian Inverarity ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

In Town 부문 1위: Cape Town, South Africa – Stefan Liebermann ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

In Town 부문: Moon Shines On Paradise Town, Italy – Asit Apornsupavit ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

In Town 부문: Hypnosis, Italy – Massimiliano Pedi ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

Nightscape 부문: Human, Milky Way, Moon And Venus Conjunction, Peru – Camilo Andrés Jaramillo Slva ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

Nightscape 부문 2위: A Night At The River, Hongry – György Soponyai ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

In Town 부문 2위: A Crown For St Lucy, Syracuse, Italy – Dario Giannobile ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

Nightscape 부문: Spirals On The Mesa, Usa – Marc Toso ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

Nightscape 부문: Milky Way Over Cana Island Lighthouse, Usa – Jim Brannstorm ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

In Town 부문: Room 500, Germany – Sandro Schmidt ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

Nightscape 부문: Northern Lights On Lofoten Beach, Norway – Angélique Michel ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

Nightscape 부문: Mr Big Dipper, Switzerland – Nicholas Roemmelt ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

In Town 부문: Postcart-perfect Village, Switzerland – Pascal Kamm ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

In Town 부문: Lunar Eclipse Ends Over Mediterranean, Spain – José Joaquin Chambro Bris ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

In Town 부문: Starry Night In Cologne, Germany – Dong Han ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

Junior 부문 1위: Symbiosis Of A Starry Night, France – Rémi Boucher ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

Junior 부문 2위: En Route To The Stars, France – Alice Fock-hang ©Photo Nightscape Awards 2017

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