Wow!!! Recommend you to watch this and speak along the script

PR카드 갱신 시, 부득이 해외로 출국해야 할 경우에는 미리 출국 지역 Visa Center에 PRTD를 신청해서, 입국 시에 Travel Document를 제시해야 입국이 가능하다.

흥미로운 것은, Private Vehicle로 이동하면 PR이나 PRTD가 없어도 입국이 가능한 것 같다. 

Reference: Urgent Processing

A PRTD will let you re-enter Canada if you don’t have a PR card. Without a PR card or a PRTD, you won’t be able to travel to Canada except by private vehicle.

심지어 일단 귀국 비행기만 타면, 입국 시에 신분을 확인할 수 있는 다른 서류가 있으면 입국이 가능한 것 같다. 기타 다른 언급된 서류 중에 Enhanced Driver's License가 있는데, 이건 시민권자에게만 발행되는 것 같다.


If you do not have a passport, and are returning to Canada, the following documents can denote identity and/or citizenship:

  • NEXUS card, held by a Canadian citizen, when entering Canada by air (when coming from the U.S.), land, or marine modes
  • FAST card (Free and Secure Trade), issued to a Canadian citizen (when arriving by land or marine modes only)
  • Canadian Emergency Travel Document
  • Canadian Temporary Passport
  • Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (issued from 1954 to present)
  • Enhanced Driver's License issued by a Canadian province or territory
  • Enhanced Identification/Photo Card issued by a Canadian province or territory

Permanent residents of Canada who are members of the NEXUS or FAST programs must travel with a passport and proof of permanent residence, and may be asked to present these documents to the officer upon arrival at the border.

* 기타 참고 Websites : Permanent Resident Travel Document Do I really need a PR card to travel back to Canada?

영주권 카드 신청 및 연장

이민국 전화 CIC Call Center : 1-888-242-2100

영주권카드 전화(PR Card Call Center): 1-800-255-4541

Tripping and realizing no one saw you.

   Babies take a while to walk.

If you've seen it happen, you know there is plenty of falling, crawling, and bawling

Hey, there's a reason most two-year-olds are covered in fat lips, skinned knees, and coffee-table-dented foreheads. 

   Learning to walk ain't easy.

Sure, you did it and I did it but we probably couldn't do it again. Like learning anything tough and life-altering, learning to walk is a messy process that takes time and patience. First, there is rolling. That cute little baby-powder ball of flabby arms and puffy diapers twists and shimmies on the cold linoleum with a big smile on her face. This marks a major step as a baby is learning to move on her own. Don't laugh because you were once a flabby, wiggling diaper ball too. 

   Once that's nailed, it's time to sit up and start crawling. This turns the house into a carpeted jungle full of discovery and adventure. Curiosity helps little ones discover pantry shelves, cat litter trays, and toilets. Some people have an adorable Crab Baby at this stage, also known as a one-year-old who crawls backward or sideways instead of forward. Watch out for pinchy claws grabbing at your hair and glasses.

   Next up: teetering! White-knuckled, apricot-sized hands grip staircase railings and kitchen table legs with furrowed brows and steely determination. The side benefit of diapers comes into play here, as handy ass-padding for the vast number of harrowing, thunderous falls. Eventually, with immense focus and concentration, most them manage to find their center of gravity and balance the baby chub on their two-teeny tiny tootsies.

After this point, it's just a matter of time. There's some nervous balancing without the railing and then lopsided running with occasional face-plants in the front hallway. But soon baby nails it, and after that, she's probably flying pretty high.

Unfortunately, the bad news is that practice doesn't always make perfect. Even though we've been mastering the art of standing tall for years and years and years, everyone slips and falls now and then. Just ask your local small-claims court.

So next time your shoe catches on the top step at work, you trip stepping off the airport's moving sidewalk, or you bail on a patch of ice outside your front door, remember that not too long ago you couldn't walk at all.

So your wipeout is really no big deal

As long as nobody saw you. 


Reference: The Book of Awesome

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