휘슬러 스키 여행 Whistler Ski Trip
Whistler Ski Trip
휘슬러 빌리지의 호텔들은 크리스마스 전후로 숙박료가 3배 이상 폭등합니다. 그래서 금요일 저녁에 출발하여 일요일에 돌아오는 일정으로 계획했습니다. 다행이 주말이였지만, 사람들이 많지 않았고 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있었습니다. 특히 이번엔 Crystal Lodge에 묵었는데, 곤돌라와 리프트까지 아주 가까웠고, 지하에 식당과 바는 훌륭했습니다.
The hotel price sky-rocketed from the Christmas season, so we visited Whistler during the last weekend before Christmas. Fortunately, there were not many people, and we could spend comfortable time. This time, we stayed in Crystal Lodge located in near the lift and gondola stations. Also, the bar and restaurant underground were good enough.
Video 1. Lift Slope
Photo #1. The view taken in the lift.
Photo #2. Cedar trees
Photo #3. View from the easiest green slope.
Photo #4. Night view of Whistler Village
Photo #5. Night view of Whistler Village
Photo #6. Night view of Whistler Village
Photo #7. Sunday morning at the Gondola station