여행 Travel

골든 이어즈 공원 Golden Ears Provincial Park

KettleBot 2017. 11. 6. 10:39

Golden Ears Provincial Park

초겨울에 방문한 골든이어즈 파크. 많은 사람들이 찾는 다고 들었는데, 역시나 입구에서 부터, 한참을 빽빽한 삼나무 숲을 달려서 도착했습니다.  Alouette Lake 주변을 둘러싼 Golen Ears와 Crickmer 산이 구름을 머금어서 신비롭기만합니다. 

Visited Golden Ears Park last Saturday, which many people around me have mentioned about it. It made me surprised from the entrance from where taking some time to get to the campsite through the long road surrounded by tall cedar trees. There were only a few people and so Alouette lake with encompassing mountains of Golen Ears and Crickmer looks mysterious with a mist.

Park Introduction


BC Park